Marriage Sharing | Married as One LLC

Don't let the #1 Cause of Divorce Ruin You Marriage

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This is us over 14 years ago on our wedding day.

Just as a vehicle relies on its manufacturer’s handbook for optimal performance, marriages find guidance in God as the ultimate designer, ensuring they thrive with purpose and fulfillment.

“Helping spouses create Gospel-centered marriages.”

The 3 E'S Every Marriage Needs

Is therapy worth it for couples?


Elevate your marriage by allowing God’s word to guide your path.

Marriage Chaplain


Seek expertise from experienced professionals.  You don’t have to face your troubles yourself.

Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Counseling Psychology
Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy
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20 Common Marriage Problems That Leads to Divorce

Navigating common marriage problems such as financial stress and a lack of intimacy can be daunting. Couples therapy plays a crucial role in addressing these challenges, promoting open communication and fostering a healthy relationship over time. Consulting with a family therapist helps identify real issues and negative patterns, encouraging personal…

5 Self-Respect Lessons from the Bible

As Christians, we have a powerful source of wisdom and guidance in the Bible for cultivating healthy self-respect. In this article, discover five self-respect lessons from the Bible that can help you honor God and yourself through a positive self-image, healthy boundaries, and a God-centered identity. Learn how these lessons…

What are 5 Bible Scriptures for Fathers?​

Proverbs 13:24 - "Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them." This verse emphasizes the importance of discipline in raising children. It reminds fathers that discipline is an act of love and that it helps shape their children's character.

How to See Who Likes You on Okcupid For Free?

One way to see who likes you on OkCupid for free is by using the "DoubleTake" feature. DoubleTake is OkCupid's version of the swipe right or left feature, where you can browse through potential matches and decide if you're interested or not. When someone likes your profile, they'll appear in…

How to Deal With an Angry Husband Biblically?

First and foremost, it is crucial to remember that our ultimate authority in any situation is the Lord God. Seek His guidance and wisdom through prayer and reading the Bible. The righteousness of God should be your foundation in dealing with your angry husband.

How Do You Date in Nyc in Your 30s?

First and foremost, it's important to put yourself out there. Whether you're seeking single women or single men, there are plenty of opportunities to meet new people in New York City. One popular avenue is through dating apps. With the rise of technology, online dating has become a go-to for…

What Are Some Bible Verses for My Husband?

One verse that comes to mind is Ephesians 5:25, which says, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." This verse reminds husbands of their role as the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church. It…

What Are the Best Tinder Ice Breakers?

One of the best Tinder icebreakers is to ask a funny or interesting question. This can be a great way to get someone talking and show off your sense of humor. For example, you could ask something like, "If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?" This not…